Sunday, June 19, 2011


We have already had a fun summer! Tip Caps game with good friends and LOTS of kids was just the beginning!

Daddy's boys

Easter 2011

We had another great Easter! Carter really enjoyed the Easter Egg Hunt and Tyler loves to color eggs! Just a lot of fun!

Love Grandpa Callahan!
Carter's 1st Easter Egg Hunt!


Carter is ahead of his time...he is kind of a big deal!

Winter Fun 2011

Brother Bath Night!

Tis the Season!

We had a great Christmas this year! As usual we do one Christmas at the Ness' and another at the Callahan's. It is VERY fun this year with both boys being able to enjoy the time with family.

Quality time with Uncle Jeff

Lincoln Logs

Christmas Eve beverages

Christmas sweater

Tuppy reading with Tyler